Screen Printing Problems And Their Solutions
Screen printing is among the modern techniques of printing. To the beginners, screen printing may pose a challenge to them. There are some problems one may encounter in the process of doing so. This article will highlight the problems and their solutions.
1. Color bleeding
This normally occurs when the paste used for printing is watery hence it bleeds to the surrounding areas of the motif and spoiling the cloth being printed. To solve this, one should always ensure that the printing paste is thick to enable it to stick to the fabric. One should also clean the bottom part of the screen during each of the printing times.
2. Unequal gaps between repeats
These gaps occur when the registration is not properly calculated. When the poor calculation is done, repeats of the design will not join leading to the creation of gaps between repeats. The solution is by use of colored chalk which will be used in marking repeats to be done on the fabric so that one knows where the screen is to be placed. The other solution would be using a colored strand. The strand can be placed at the edge of the design to enable the screen to be placed on the strand when doing a repeat. The strand can be removed when printing.
3. Irregular screen printing
This occurs when repeats are not adequately checked. This can be solved by thoroughly checking the repeats before placing them on the screen when processing the print.