Why Drinking Gin Can Be Good For You
Though many do not consider drinking alcohol as a healthy lifestyle, there are several benefits of drinking alcohol. Gin is one of those types of liquor that can be used to illustrate the advantages of drinking alcohol. As a hard liquor, gin has many benefits that make it good for you to drink. Here are the benefits of drinking gin.
Benefits of drinking gin
Makes you look young
One reason you should drink gin is to enjoy the benefit of looking younger. Gin has antioxidant properties that make it possible for drinkers to maintain a young-looking skin and stay healthy. Therefore, you should drink gin because it will help you look young.
Fight off illness
Juniper berries are healthy fruits that have many medicinal benefits. They are the primary ingredients used in making gin. When you are drinking gin, you enjoy the medicinal benefits of juniper berries. For centuries, this fruit has been instrumental in fighting illnesses such as coughs and lung congestion. The fruit has oils, which help in expelling mucus by agitating bronchial passage.
Improves you digestion
Even though many people avoid drinking gin because of its slightly bitter taste, the liquor can be a good source of aiding digestion. Gin can help to increase digestive enzymes and stomach acid secretions. This will aid in the process of digestion since there will be an increase in the fluids responsible for digestion. Therefore, if you have a problem with digestion, you should drink gin to improve your digestion.
Provide relief to aching joints
If you have arthritis or any other pain in the joints, you have more than enough reasons to drink gin. It can help relieve pain caused by arthritis, achy joints, and gout. It can also reduce inflammation caused by arthritis. Therefore, you do not have to suffer in silence if you have achy joints for you can drink gin to relieve the pain.
Keeps malaria at bay
You may need to drink gin if you are planning to travel to a country where malaria occurs. Gin and tonic can help you prevent malaria. This combination works as a preventative drug for malaria. Therefore, you will not just be enjoying your drink but also guard yourself against malaria.
It is always advisable to buy gin from a liquor store to get the best quality that will guarantee you all the benefits stated above.